REPAIRations! is a story about the power of optimism against forces that are seemingly more powerful than yourself. It follows the story of a man named Isaac who lives during the end of slavery (1860's), end of segregation (1960's), and President Obama's inauguration in 2008. Through song and dan...
Tales From Shaolin reinterprets the works of the Wu Tang Clan as a Shakespeare-meets-Tarantino, crime-filled action dark comedy! Using the lyrics from the song "Shakey Dog" by Ghostface Killah, Part One: "Shakey Dog" stars Stephen Hill as our narrator “Ghost” and Dominique Spencer as the quiet ye...
When a serial killer begins targeting the gentrifiers of a dwindling, historically Black neighborhood, three young adults attempt to determine the murderer's identity... before they're next.
Supa Supa, The unusual superhero normal
guy. As he finds himself struck by The Perfect Girl’s beauty, he discovers his power: to bend and control reality thanks to pixilation.
However, this amazing ability won’t stop him from enduring unlikely hardships in order to seduce The Girl of his dreams. ...
A group of friends dealing with erectile dysfunction decide to resort back to their thieving ways to solve their problem and make some extra money in the process.
Two down-on-their-luck criminals decide to move to Los Angeles and become actors.